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Our Services


Wood Destroying Bug Inspection

Most wood destroying pests are attracted to damp wood and love moisture, with some exceptions, such as drywood termites. It's important to know which type of insect or wood-destroying organism has infested your home before deciding on a treatment, as different insects and organisms require different strategies.


There are several types of insects that can cause damage to the home.  In addition to the various types of termites, carpenter ants and wood-boring beetles can impose harm on your home.  During our inspection, we review any potential of these insects.

Heating & Air Conditioning

Your home Inspector will give a complete description of the type of heating system being inspected. The report will describe the overall general condition of the system, along with the exact or approximate age of the furnace. He will remove the front covers of the furnace, when possible, and inspect for condition, rust, flame burning appearance, filter condition, and more.

Structural Inspection

The professional New Jersey/New York home inspectors at Parisen Associates, LLC will inspect and report on the overall structure and the condition of the exterior and related items. This includes a visible inspection of the dwelling for its overall condition and settlement.


We provide a comprehensive report on the condition of walls, floors, trim, ceilings, windows, doors, electrical outlets, heat supply, stairs, kitchens, bathrooms and the garage to ensure that you understand the condition of these items and recommendations for improvement.

Radon Testing

Radon is a potentially deadly, invisible and odorless gas that can harm you and your family. The New Jersey/New York Department of Environmental Protection describes radon as:


"Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, which has always been a part of our environment. It's a natural decay product of uranium and is found in soil everywhere in varying concentrations. The New Jersey/New York Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have found that radon can also be an unwelcome part of our home environment.


Electrical & Plumbing

The Parisen Associates, LLC New Jersey/New York home inspection team will perform a comprehensive electrical inspection and evaluate the entire electrical system for size, type of entrance, condition of wiring and the overall safety of the electrical system.


We will describe and inspect all the visible plumbing in the house, both the supply and waste systems. This includes the visible condition of water feed lines, the waste pipes and vent stacks. Plumbing repairs are very expensive and we will examine each and every system very carefully.  Your report will include a thorough review of all plumbing and eletrical.

Our Reporting System

We provide a comprehensive, informative report that gives you a detailed analysis on your property.  Learn more on our Reporting System page.

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